1634 Victory Boulevard Staten Island NY 10314 USA
Did you know? Over 93,000 children and teens attend Catholic schools and benefit from our Religious Ed programs. Right here at our parish we have over 350 children attending our Rel. Ed Program. Your support to the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal helps Catholic education reach more children in our community! Join St. Teresa and pledge your gift at www.cardinalsappeal.org/donate by selecting our parish. Or find an Appeal envelope at church and drop it in the collection basket. Thank you!
Weekly Mass Times:
Saturday: 4 pm (Sunday Vigil)
Sunday: 7:30 am, (9:00 am-St. Nicoloas Chapel) 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 5 pm
Eve of Holy Days: 4:00 pm
Holy Days: 7 am, 8:30 am, 12 noon, 7:30 pm
Daily Mass: 8:30 am Mon-Sat, 12 noon Tue-Fri.
(Federal Holidays 8:30 am ONLY)
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And its free to our parishioners! Give it a try!
If you have been considering joining our parish pilgrimage next year, to the hometown of our patron Saint Teresa, looking forward to seeing the beaches of D-Day in Normandy, entering the cathedral of Chartres, visiting the beautiful City of Paris, praying in the villages of Saint Bernadette at the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, a decision is needed by Sept 15, April 21-28 2025 is only eight months away. Pick up a brochure, or go to Petersway.com to find details of our pilgrimage.
Pictures are courtesy of Christine Albano
Luncheon Photo;s