1634 Victory Boulevard Staten Island NY 10314 USA
The Saint Teresa's Youth Club is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade Saint Teresa School students, CCD students and children of registered parishioners.
Dear Parents,
Parents please be advised that St. Teresa's Youth Club consist of two clubs, one for 9th Graders Only and one for 6th, 7th and 8th Graders.
At each of the regular Youth Club dates we will be collecting $5.00 per registered child during check-in.
Parents, the Youth Club was established to give our children a safe and supervised place to socialize with friends, and with that we need your help. We ask that you please consider signing up to chaperone one of the evenings that Youth Club takes place. Youth Club will typically take place twice a month on a Saturday evening for 3 hours from 7pm-10pm, upcoming dates are posted below. If you can chaperone for one of the Youth Club dates please email Bill Brown at Bthe5browns@aol.com or Kathy Sheehan at Kanga763@yahoo.com.
We thank you in advance for any time you can spare.
Please contact Bill Brown at the above email address or 718-986-5517
if you are able to volunteer - we truly need your help.